+1 (202) 367-6226 EMail: spiros@serpanos.com
+1 (202) 367-6226 EMail: spiros@serpanos.com
The SyNergotiator.
Key Best Practice Areas on managing the 10 Step SYNERGETIC Business Negotiations (SyNergotiations) flow:
1. S = SMART Goals – MUST Know Strategy and Objectives.
2. Y = Yours and Others’ negotiating styles, skills, reputation, and approaches to resolving issues of involved teams.
Understand the Negotiating Profiles and psychology of the negotiating sides.
3. N = Norms and Standards.
Being aware of Standards and Norms within the environment where Negotiations takes place.
4. E = Exchange Glasses.
Evaluating the view, SMART Goals and understanding of situation from the other side.
5. R = Relationships.
Identifying the envisioned relationship. In most cases Long Term Mutually Beneficial Partnerships.
6. G = Growing your Leverage: The BATNA options.
Building a strong negotiating position by developing own BATNA. (Best Alternative to a Negotiating Agreement).
Also: Appreciating the other side’s BATNA.
7. E = Establish “Positions Vs Interests – Shared – Different – In Conflict”.
Ensure that all preparation parameters needed are in place, before starting the negotiation process.
8. T = Transaction methodology.
Deciding on the “who / how / when / what” elements of information and interests will be exchanged.
9. I = Inventing tactics.
“Inventing / Initiating / Responding / Dealing with” tactics that will be utilized to drive openings and concessions.
Understanding the “tips and tricks” of dealing with other side’s tactics.
10. C = CLOSING.
Tactics and timing on closing deals with SMART objectives.